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All of our proofreaders are native English speakers. They are highly qualified and experienced, with a large number having teaching certification.

Our Chief Editor: Dr. Chaim Melamed

Dr.Dr. Melamed is a Canadian professor with a PhD degree (English literature)
and over 25 years of experience as a proofreader and educator (literature, writing, grammar, etc.); proofreading (papers, theses, reports, documents, etc) is offered for translation companies, businessmen, professors, students, government, authors, publishers etc.

Our proofreaders include: 2 with PhDs, 18 with MAs and Master of Ed., 6 with BAs and Bachelor of Ed.; they comprise teachers, writers and editors. Their specialties include: science, business, philosophy, education, literature, engineering, psychology, linguistics, etc.

Copyright(C) 2006-2022 OmniEnglish The 16th anniversary